What started it all....

I want to be a writer. I read almost everything and then enjoy writing about what I have read. Sometimes I write about family events, thoughts that I think, or book ideas that I would like to finish. My Mom and Pop told me when I get older, I can try an internship to learn more about writing. One day, maybe I will even make my own book.

My Pop was so excited when I told him I wanted to write, that he suggested I start a blog. Here I can write about anything and other people can see my thoughts. Maybe this will help me become a better writer.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?

Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?, is about King George III. King George wasn't a tyrant, as most people said, but was actually a very decent guy. He had bad ideas, though. He thought the people in the colonies should pay him because England had helped the colonies in the French and Indian War. King George never gave up in the war. He believed that he could defeat the colonies. In the end, when the colonies won, King George had nightmares. He said, "All I wanted was to give them all bloody noses."

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